• Thousands of people marched in São Paulo Friday night to demand action to help the burning Amazon Rainforest.
  • The demonstration began at the São Paulo Museum of Art on Paulista Avenue, where many protests often begin in the city.
  • The march was full of art, music, and many creative signs. Here’s what it looked like on the ground.
  • Visit BusinessInsider.com for more stories.

SAO PAULO, Brazil – Thousands of people filled the streets on Friday to pressure the the Brazilian government to fight the forest fires that are ravaging the Amazon Rainforest, often called the “lungs of the planet.”

Friday night, following pressure from his own people and the international community, and after weeks of spreading misinformation about the fires, President Jair Bolsonaro said he would send the army to fight them and prevent deforestation.

See what the demonstration in São Paulo looked like on the ground, with thousands calling to protect the precious Amazônia.

The demonstration began at the São Paulo Museum of Art, and art featured in the protest. Here, kids paint to encourage preserving the Amazon Rainforest.

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

A young man held up a quote from Chief Seattle, a leader of the Suquamish and Duwamish tribes in the 1800s: “The Earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the Earth.” The chief is the namesake for Seattle, Washington.

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

Sources: California State University, Northridge; Seattle Times

A group of young people held signs side-by-side. One reads, "Fire on racism, not in Amazonia."

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

People screamed words pro-Amazônia and anti-Bolsonaro. Late Friday night, the Brazilian president announced he would send the army to fight the forest fires.

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

Source: Al Jazeera

Police in yellow vests and white helmets positioned themselves in front of the art museum before people started to walk along Paulista Avenue.

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

"Urban tribe, for Amazônia, show yourself. Put on your mask," this man's sign said, seen at the beginning of the protest in front of the museum. Many protesters wore masks.

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

Many people holding signs lined up by the museum, waiting to start walking along Paulista Avenue, a common origin for demonstrations in the city.

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

The avenue filled up with people waving flags, signs, and banners.

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

This large sign reads: "Burn fascist, not forests."

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

Many police officers were also present during the protest.

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

People shouted, calling for the government to protect Amazônia.

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

A big group of people who were shouting words to protect the rainforest and against Bolsonaro carried a banner that read, "Amazônia is from the people!"

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

Many kids attended the protest with their parents.

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

This woman had a message for Bolsonaro and US President Donald Trump in English.

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

There were multiple English posters to draw international attention to the Amazônia fire. People participated in sister protests outside Brazilian embassies in London, Paris, Mexico City, Berlin, and more.

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

Sources: Al Jazeera, Newsweek

Art and culture featured in the protest, too.

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

This woman proudly held up a a handmade poster, full of the names of animals and trees from the rainforest.

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

This Brazilian flag has the Portuguese word for "death" written across it.

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

Multiple signs mentioned a "fascist" situation in Brazil.

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

This art piece visualized the planet burning.

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

The avenue was full by nightfall.

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

This woman held up Brazil's flag during the protest, as people started entering Augusta Street.

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

This girl painted "SOS" on her forehead.

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

There was even the feeling of protest in the fashion, like this jean jacket with singer and Civil Rights activist Nina Simone on it.

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

Music was part of the protest, too. Different bands played on the street, and people sang.

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

Here, another band plays.

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

"Your steak is the cause of Amazônia destruction," this sign says in Portuguese. Clearing the rainforest for cattle farming is a major cause of the fires and deforestation.

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

Source: CNN

"Demarcation now," this poster says, highlighting a big problem of Bolsonaro's government: the demarcation of indigenous land, to guarantee their right to it. About 400 tribes live in the Amazon.

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

Sources: Instituto Socioambiental, Survival

Along the way, on the road Alameda Tiete, a wall was filled with protest words.

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

"Amazônia viva!" a woman wrote on the wall.

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider

The protest was made up of different people, from different religions, styles, and cultures, but all with a common point: Protect Amazônia from everybody who doesn't care — including the Brazilian president.

Foto: sourceAna Rovati/Insider